
Friday 6 June 2014

Description Writing Term 2

New York is so cool and awesome.  You can even see the reflection in the sea.  It is so very bright but it is also so dark.  The buildings are like big rectangles reaching up to the sky.
By Jahsiah

A banana grows on a tree.  Some bananas are yellow and some bananas are green.  They are good for me and you.  Bananas are small, medium and big.  They grow in a bunch.  You find bananas in hot places because they like it hot.
By Mary

The banana grows off a tree on a stalk.  The banana goes to the shop for selling.  It is the shape of a crescent moon.
   If you leave a banana for too long, it will go rotten but the banana is very good for baking and cooking.
By Mattie

The banana grows on trees on tropical islands because they love the heat.
  They grow small, medium and big.  You can get them in the supermarket.
   The colour inside is white and the colour on the outside is yellow and sometimes green.
   If your banana is brown, it means your banana is not good to eat.
   Bananas that are ready to eat are white on the inside with soft squishy flesh and smooth skin on the outside.  Many bananas grow in groups of six or seven in a bunch.
By Kiara

The tall high rise rectangular shaped beams stretch across the hexagon shaped post.  The bone
coloured walls face the other side of the building.  The building feels extremely hard like rubbing your hand on sand paper.
By Tyler

1 comment:

  1. hurray!
    very good usage of your descriptive words..
